Key Stage 1 covers academic years 1 and 2 at school, We at Prime Tuition teach English and Maths.
In English, pupils are taught phonics to help with their reading and their phonic screening test,composition, handwriting, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG), as well as theircomprehension. In Maths, pupils are taught how to solve addition, subtraction, place value and smallword problems, tested on times tables and to count from a given number.
Key stage 2 covers academic years 3 – 6 at school.
We at Prime Tuition teach Math, English and Science.
In English, pupils are taught how to improve their Essay writing, Grammar, reading comprehension, poetry and creative Writing. In Maths, pupils are taught to become fluent in place value so they can make connections between multiplication and division with fractions, decimals, percentages and ratios.